Disclaimer & Terms of Use

Avocats Antomarchi & Associés
Disclaimer & Terms of Use
This Website is published and made available by AVOCATS ANTOMARCHI & ASSOCIÉS, a law firm registered with the Nice Bar, whose head office is located at 17 Rue Frédéric Passy – 06000 NICE – FRANCE
Phone : + 33 (0)
Fax : + 33 (0)
Email : avocat@antomarchi.com
Publication director : Sébastien ANTOMARCHI
Website Design
This Website was designed by the company COMPTOIR DU WEB, EIRL registered under the SIRET 829 333 038 000 34 whose head office is located at 879, avenue Emile Hugues – 06140 VENCE – FRANCE
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The Website available under the URL www.antomarchi.com is subject to French and international laws on copyright and intellectual property.
The Domain Name antomarchi.com linked to the Website whose URL is www.antomarchi.com is the exclusive property of AVOCATS ANTOMARCHI & ASSOCIÉS.
The Website has been designed for AVOCATS ANTOMARCHI & ASSOCIÉS, which has an exclusive right to use this Website.
The texts and photographs included on the Website and the Company’s logo are the exclusive property of AVOCATS ANTOMARCHI & ASSOCIÉS.
The Website in its current design, layout and graphics is an original work and is the exclusive property of its author, the Website designer.
Any reproduction of all or part of this Website and of the Company’s logo, on any medium whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, unless expressly authorised by AVOCATS ANTOMARCHI & ASSOCIÉS.
Exclusion of warranty and liability
The User of the Website www.antomarchi.com acknowledges that he/she has read the present conditions of use and undertakes to respect them.
The Website and the data, information and documents it provides are for general and non-exhaustive information purposes only and may in no case be considered as constituting legal advice, canvassing, solicitation and/or an offer of services.
AVOCATS ANTOMARCHI & ASSOCIÉS shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage that may result from access to the Website and/or from the use of the information it contains, including inaccessibility, loss of data, deterioration, destruction that may affect the User’s computer and/or the presence of viruses on this Website.
AVOCATS ANTOMARCHI & ASSOCIÉS endeavours to provide reliable content on this Website, but does not guarantee that its content is free of inaccuracies or omissions and cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions, or for the lack of availability of information and services. Consequently, the User acknowledges that he/she uses the information under his/her exclusive responsibility.
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